Thursday 5 March 2009

Arthritis in Horses

Like human beings horses are affected by arthritis too. Pain, stiffness and swelling around the joints are some of the symptoms that are to be found in horses suffering from the same. Symptoms of horse arthritis should never be ignored and the horse should never be burdened with physical activity in such cases. It is sad to see many a promising racing and equestrian careers being affected by stress in the weight bearing joints, or dysfunctional abilities in the regular movements of the animal.

It is usually horses above the age of 15 which are especially prone to arthritis since the cartilage begins to wear out very quickly after that age. Some older horses are also affected by loosened tendons and ligaments resulting in inflammation, joint instability tremendous pain.

One should never ignore the seriousness of the disease in horses lest it may cripple the animal from regular physical activity which is vital to horses. Horse arthritis is treatable and manageable once it is detected early enough. Some common symptoms may be stiffness seen after sleep or standing for a long time, swellings on certain joints, an obvious tendency to limp after exercises or prolonged walking. At times one might notice changes in the horse's performance or general differences in the animal's behavior.

Even while administering medicines to the horses, many owners have tried to experiment with alternative processes like magnotherapy, where products related to this method of treatment are worn by the horse to help in relieving pain.