Monday 27 April 2009

Horse Supplements

Horses have long been with human beings in the earliest of civilizations, in wars and in the farm, in business, medicine, and entertainment. Due to this, people have come to understand what makes them tick and a lot of companies have developed various horse supplements that will ensure the long life span.

On top of the daily diet, it is necessary to use various horse supplements depending on their function; this is important to ward off bacteria and viruses that may prove to be very harmful. Aside from food pellets, supplements can also come in the form of vaccines.

For beginners, they should have adequate nutrition and it is a no-no to neglect a horse's nutritional needs. Just like all animals they need adequate food and water and good living conditions to drive them to perform. Horses need grass and hay and both of these should be very clean and free of molds and they should have access to water all the time as they need it. However, there are some that are called "easy" - his means that they easily get fat and obese and if they are used for business, they should have a different diet. Some owners need to control what their horses eat.

Ideally, your pet should be feed three times a day. The good thing is that this is not a necessary maintenance if your horse lives in a barn where it can run freely or if you have enough grass lands where the horse can run as it can then eat at will. Just ensure there is adequate supply of clean water. In some areas, grass does not grow that much or is not nutritionally healthy. This is the time you will need horse supplements to compensate the nutrients that your equestrians are missing.

You might need to buy horse supplements in the form of vaccines and tablets. Some supplements are in soluble form and al that needs to be done is to dissolve them in the drinking water. Some supplements are already available in a form that does not need preparation.

There are commercially prepared pellets that also include vitamin supplements and minerals that boost stamina. You may also need to buy certain vaccines that you need to shot your horse with. These shots will help your horse fight off diseases like influenza, equine herpes, and others.

Although a horse's immune system is stronger than most animals, they are still susceptible to bacteria, especially if the living conditions are poor and if the animal is working more than what it should do or if it is not getting as much nutrition as it is supposed to.

Cortaflex and other equine supplements can be purchased at Cortaflex For Horses

horse supplement

Horse Supplement on Top of Daily Dose of Hay

Any horse owner may have observed that the normal diet of grass, hay, and water does not seem enough to perform to optimum level.

Due to their very fast metabolism they burn up a lot energy and often require a horse supplement to develop sturdy muscles and better stamina. These supplements are not only foods and vitamins but also vaccinations that will help fight off bacteria and other viruses that can cause diseases.

The grass and hay should be dry and clean and free of molds, eating decaying grass will lead to serious problems and diseases. They should also be consuming fresh and clean water. Ideally, they should be fed three times a day just like human beings.

The amount of food that should be consumed each day should be equivalent or more than 4% of the horse's total weight, however, this is only a rough estimate. Only qualified equine veterinarians can determine how much food a horse should take based on its health, age, and current weight. Also, the function intended for the horse will also determine how much food and horse supplement it should take.

For instance, if your equine is used for racing, there is a different diet intended for it to balance things out but if your pet can freely roam around a grass land where it can graze, the meal for three times a day may not at all be necessary. As long as there is available grass, it will eat at will. Just make sure that if you stock hay in the field, it has to be clean.

Horses also need much space so they can run and exercise. It is not wise to keep it in a stall for prolonged periods because it may later develop difficult behavior. They need mental stimulation and this can be achieved if your animal is free to roam and satisfy its curiosity. They also need companionship and this is the reason why they should have access to other equestrians.

There are many horse supplement materials out in the market. Many of these are available in pellet forms. Some feeds that are commercially prepared are supplements themselves. There are also supplements that are water soluble in the form of tablets. Keep in mind that you should not just but these supplements at will. Horses have different needs and what may be effective for one type may not show the same results for another type.

Always ask a qualified equine veterinarian before feeding any supplement to your horse to ensure you do not do damage to its digestive system.

Cortaflex and other equine supplements can be purchased at Cortaflex For Horses

horse supplement

Tips on General Horse Care

Perhaps no one can contest the fact that horseback riding is one of the most popular of all hobbies and one of the most expensive hobbies.

Horses are very difficult to maintain because they are large animals. On top of that, they require much more nourishment than normal pets. Every owner should know the essential tips in horse care to ensure that he gets the optimum performance from his equestrian. If it is not cared for, it will eventually get sick and will not be able to provide the excitement that one needs from it, especially if the horse is being used for a job like in farms and in rural areas where they pull carts. Most especially, horses used in racetracks need double or even triple the care received.

Nutritional Needs of a Horse
First off, you need to look into the nutritional needs. The best food is hay and grass. The hay should be clean, dry, and free of molds. You should also be able to identify how much your horse needs to take daily. Ideally, they should consume the amount of about 2%-4% of its body weight. The needs may vary depending on what your equestrian is used for. The best person to ask is an equine veterinarian.

Water is also very important and this should be readily available anytime. Horses should be fed three times a day but if they are just freely roaming in a grass land, you can simply let them eat as much as they please for as long as grass and hay are both available anytime.

Deworming and Vaccinations
Just like any other pet, also need to be dewormed. Vaccination is part of horse care since they eat unprocessed food. All types of equestrian needs to be dewormed, regardless of function. Also, vaccination is essential to prevent diseases such as influenza, equine herpes, rabies, and other diseases. Without propoer treatment in vaccination, the horse will be very vulnerable to diseases and might even die. There are some bacteria and viruses that can cause severe damage if they have successfully penetrated the immune system so it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Horses kept in isolated boxes or stalls can develop behavioral problems, so they are better off if they spend their time together out in an open field. They need companionship and exercise, too. Proper horse care means that they should be able to run freely as much as they please so they can exercise their muscles. They are also intelligent animals that need mental stimulation and having other animals to play with and have as company will ensure that your horse is happy.

They should be able to lie down if they wants to sleep as although horses can get a light sleep when standing, they still need to sleep deeply and this can only be achieved through lying down.

Cortaflex and other equine supplements can be purchased at Cortaflex For Horses

tips on general horse care

Why Equine Supplements Are Essential

Having a horse is not something that a normal family can do. This can only be possible if you live in a barn or something close to it. There is no way you can keep a horse in an urban location and much less in well-developed cities, unless, of course, if you have a business using horses such as in carnivals and the like. Anyway, horse care is not an easy thing to maintain. Aside from being tedious and expensive, caring for a horse requires more than your average feeding and washing. You need to understand that you need equine supplements to sustain your horse's health and stamina, especially if the horse is used for running daily or if it is required to do or complete some tasks everyday.

It is very essential that you pay attention to your horse's health. They are large animals that also require great amount of food, water, and other forms of sustenance. Proper nutrition and addition of equine supplements are both necessary to make sure that your horse will perform to its optimum level.

Horses are very active animals and they burn a lot of energy when they move. You should be ready to give them the nutrition they need more than what grass and hay can provide. You should also understand the feeding habits. Part of his diet should be carrots because it needs its eyesight to be stable and clear. Carrots are proven to be effective diet in terms of enhancing and maintaining good eyesight even as it gets older.

Your animal should be fed three times a day. This is particularly applicable if the horses are kept in stalls and are fed commercially prepared pellets. Most likely, you will need to do this if you are in the city and you keep equestrians for racing purposes. If let lose in an open field, feeding three times a day is not necessary for as long as there is available grass and hay everytime he needs to feed. Water must be readily available at all times.

On the average, a horse consumes a total of about 4% of its body weight. This is only an average. You should ask an equine veterinarian regarding the amount of food you need to be supplying. Each horse has a different need and only a professional can determine how much it should be fed based on its age and weight.

You should also use equine supplements in the form of soluble vitamins. You can mix these in pellets or in the drinking water. You need to make sure that he does not only get adequate nutrition but also adequate vitamins. Horses are known to have very strong immune systems but they are also susceptible to other diseases such as influenza, rabies, equine herpes, and other diseases.

Cortaflex and other equine supplements can be purchased at Cortaflex For Horses

equine supplements

Cortaflex For Horses - A Must For Your Equines

If you want your horse to give its optimum performance, feeding it with grass and hay will not be enough. Its potential can be released if you use supplements like Cortaflex for horses.

This is especially so if they are used for racing purposes. Although there are other clinically proven brands and medicines that can be uses to improve performance, many experienced equine veterinarians still strongly suggest Cortaflex. Using supplements such as this will ensure proper nutrition to your horse and will also help eradicate its body of bacteria and viruses that can eventually cause sickness and a decline in performance.

Many testimonials will tell you that Cortaflex is probably the best nutritional supplement available in the market today to boost performance and the immune system. It is very simple to use since all you have to do is to add it to your horse's meal. On top of the daily dose of hay and grass, you can also feed you horse commercially prepared pellets and this is where you mix the supplement. You may also dissolve this with the drinking water. Many testimonials state that they have seen their horses become more energetic and a lot healthier.

Normally, you can buy Cortaflex for horses by the gallons but just recently, it is now available by the quart.

The wonderful thing about Cortaflex for horses is that it is designed for maximum cellular absorption. The solution is water soluble and the elements are isolated, making it easy for the nutrients to penetrate the cellular walls. Every nutritionist knows that vitamins and supplements are of no use if these are not absorbed by the cells. What happens is they are just put to waste and are not used as they are meant to be. Cortaflex is micro-sized, making them to minute that they can penetrate the cells and the cells can obtain maximum level of absorption and this, in turn, is converted into energy.

Before using Cortaflex for horses, you need to consult and equine veterinarian. Let him check the horse for allergic reactions. Let him also find out if your animal actually needs it. Wise advice is that you do not feed your horse anything you just see on commercials. You need to consult the experts before buying and feeding something for your horse.

Cortaflex and other equine supplements can be purchased at Cortaflex For Horses

cortaflex for horses

Horse Supplements - Why Use Them?

Horses are wonderful animals that can be kept as pets and companions at work. So many people in the rural areas use horses to gather their flock and roam around the land to check their properties. Horses are very reliable, fast, strong, and sturdy. The problem is, many people misinterpret these qualities and they tend to neglect their needs. They also need adequate feeding, vaccination and care. This is why it is important for owners to have horse supplements to provide them with good nutrition.

One should first understand the feeding patterns, habits, and requirements of a horse. They should be able to eat or graze grass every time they want to. There has to be hay available and this hay should be clean, dry, and free of molds. Ideally, the amount of food that should consume is between 2%-$% of its body weight. Considering that horses burn so much energy when running, they should be able to replace lost energy as soon as they can. They should always have as much clean water whenever they need it. In some places, there might be lack or shortage of hay and this is a good enough reason to provide horse supplements through vaccination.

A horse's diet in a day may consist of grass, hay and grain concentrates. There are also commercially prepared foods in the form of a pellet. There are some that are very prone to getting fat. Obese horses need much more attention since their digestive systems are not normal, causing them to get fat. These horses are also called "easy keepers." Experienced riders will tell you that they should be fed three times a day. However, if the horses are roaming free on grassland, then there is no need to monitor their feeding time. Sometimes, water intake should be limited if there is a problem with the horse's health.

It is also good to mix vitamin horse supplements in its food to ensure that it gets enough nutrition. We cannot always guarantee that the animal is getting enough from the hay or grass. It is always safer to assume that it needs more than what it is currently taking than being relaxed. Horses are big and diseases that set in may not be easily detectable so it is best to give them the best fighting chance.

Cortaflex and other equine supplements can be purchased at Cortaflex For Horses

horse supplements

Horse Supplements - Added Value to Its Daily Nutrition

People who have horses at home know very well that horse supplements are a vital must-have in a horse's arsenal of nutrition and food group. Owners should also be able to identify the differences of one to another. Some horses just get ridden a few times, others are part of the rural lives of many people and some are meant to race. In essence, not all horses function in the same way. They have different needs and they need to be addressed to perform in its optimum level.

Horses need to feed anytime they want. As everyone knows, they run and they burn so much energy when they are put to work. The energy consumed need to be replenished as soon as possible to get the horse back in shape. The main diet is grass and hay. Horse owners should know that they should have adequate stocks of hay with them. They hay should be dry and clean and not moldy or it will cause serious problems later. Horses also need water readily available anytime they would like to feed.

Accordingly, horses need to feed at least three times a day to ensure they get enough food. However, this is not mandatory that they are released out in the open field where they can graze grass as much as they want. There are those that also need horse supplements in the form of liquid or crush tablets mixed in their food. Although racing horses are fed commercially prepared food in the form of pellets, they also need t be fed with hay and grass because there is no such thing as a complete replacement for natural food.

The best food that one can offer to a horse aside from the horse supplements is high quality hay. Alfalfa can also be used as an alternative because this has high protein content. The amount of food that horses consume should be about 2%-4% of the horse's total body weight. This is only a common measure but the best way to measure food serving is through asking a veterinarian. The horse's diet should also be controlled because just like human beings, some are very prone to getting fat or obese. When this happens, the horse may not be of any significant function and may fail to do the job required of it.

Cortaflex and other equine supplements can be purchased at Cortaflex For Horses

horse supplements

Understanding General Horse Care

Horseback riding is undoubtedly one of the most exciting hobbies and pastimes in rural areas. Also, it is one of the most expensive hobbies around the world. Horses are very difficult to care for and they require much more attention, care, and food than your average pets like dogs and cats.

General horse care should be something that every owner should know to make sure that the horse has adequate space, nurturing, and food supplement to sustain its massive body.

There are essential things that a person must know. But then and again, knowledge about horse care should never be a substitute for a visit to a veterinarian. Doctors should know better because this is their specialization. First of all, you need to know the nutritional needs of your horse. As you can see, the horse is a large animal and it has an enormous digestive system. It consumes a large amount of grass or hay and both of these are very high in water and fiber.

They need clean and fresh water all the time-the water should also not be frozen. Like cows, should be able to eat everytime they want to eat. Since horses burn so much calories when running or walking, it is only enough to say that horses should be able to replenish lost energy anytime it is needed. This is why riders should have plenty of supply of clean hay without molds. If a horse will go on a day without food or with an empty stomach, you are increasing the risk of your animal getting stomach ulcers. In general, they should be consuming an amount which is about 2%-4% of their body weight everyday. The diet can be best determined by a veterinarian and he will base it on the horse's age and weight.

Another essential part of horse care is making sure that it receives adequate vaccination and deworming. A specialist should be able to tell you what vaccines are required. They should definitely receive vaccines against tetanus because they walk and trod the roads and are susceptible to getting this. Horses should also receive adequate vaccination to fight off common diseases like influenza and rabies. Keep in mind that the best solution to horse problems is practicing what the veterinarian said. It is not enough that you have experience in handling horses. Horses should be treated with utmost care right from the start because if they get sick, you are likely to incur much more expenses.

Cortaflex and other equine supplements can be purchased at Cortaflex For Horses

horse care

Equine Supplements - Balancing Horse Nutrition

Taking care of a horse is not an easy task; this requires patience and a lot of work. Needless to say, horse maintenance is also costly and failing to meet the basic needs of a horse will always mean disease and additional expense, let alone death of the animal. As part of taking care of horses, there are lots of equine supplements and vitamins out there that you can buy to guarantee that your horse is getting adequate sustenance.

You need to make sure that you can get the best performance out of your horse by giving it the best treatment. The horse should be fed well and proper nutrition should never be compromised. It does not matter if the horse is used for leisure riding or racing. Horses burn so much energy when they move their massive bodies and this can result to horses getting hungry all the time.

You should know that horses should be able to feed as they please. You should not expect your horse to be performing at its best when it does not get enough or adequate nutrition. You should always keep stock of hay that is clean and mold-free to ensure that there is a readily available source of nutrition for your horses. Others also feed commercially available equine supplements to make sure the horses get enough vitamins that they need.

Horses also need water all the time. Keep in mind that horses should also drink clean water just like any other living thing. The number of times a horse should be fed is about three times a day and according to horse experts, horses should be able to consume food weighing about 2%-4% of its body weight. Veterinarians say that horse do not need to be fed three times a day for as long as they stay in an open field where they can feed on grass. Feeding horses three times a day is only applicable to those who have horses in stables where there are no grasslands-in racetracks or similar places.

Aside from adding equine supplements to horse diet, others use a very essential fruit and vegetable to make sure the horse gets what it needs. Carrots are very important in a horse's diet because it balances the nutrition the horse gets. Essentially, the carrots help a lot in ensuring that the eyesight of the horse is in good shape as it grows older. Apples are also very integral or important in a horse's daily diet. Horses like apples whether the apples are green or red.

Cortaflex and other equine supplements can be purchased at Cortaflex For Horses

equine supplements

Why Use Cortaflex For Horses?

Many horse owners tend to be very satisfied with feeding their horses the usual diet of grass, hay, and water. Little do they know that they can maximize their horses' potential and make them perform to the optimum level if they use cortaflex for horses. It is one of the leading food supplements used by many enthusiasts, whether the horses are just used for daily rides or for racing.

Cortaflex is a clinically proven supplement that ensures the horse gets adequate nutrition to drive it to perform better. Even veterinarians all over the world recommend this type of supplement because of its high quality and safety.

Cortaflex for horses is normally bought by the gallons. However, these are also sold now by the quarts. This horse supplement is water soluble and the nutrients found in it are isolated. This type of supplement is made to be very micro-sized so it can penetrate the cellular walls of the horse. No food supplement will be of any value if it cannot penetrate the cells. The problem with a lot of supplements is that they are too big to get into the cells. Not all of them are taken into the cells and as a result, these food supplements just go to waste.

Many brands of Cortaflex for horses are made to be in smaller molecules. This is also good for those animals suffering from degenerative kinds of diseases. There is also no issue as far as the taste is concerned. Some food supplements do not taste great and many horses reject them. This type of food supplement is made to taste like hay or grass and the horse will not be able to see the difference.

The result of feeding this horse supplement is better action and increased efficiency. It enhances the joints, especially if Hyaluonic Acid is added to the compound. It provides easy absorption to the cartilages of the horse and the joints are lubricated very well, making the horse feel lighter with its movements.

It may be said that Cortaflex is the best nutritional supplement there is for horses. It is very simple to use-all you have to do is add it to the feed or dissolve it in water. It helps develop the building blocks of your horse's health and it also helps eradicate or fight off diseases. Truly, using this kind of horse supplement will not lead to your horse's misery. You will see your horse get more energetic and willing to perform.

Cortaflex and other equine supplements can be purchased at Cortaflex For Horses

cortaflex for horses

Thursday 5 March 2009

Arthritis in Horses

Like human beings horses are affected by arthritis too. Pain, stiffness and swelling around the joints are some of the symptoms that are to be found in horses suffering from the same. Symptoms of horse arthritis should never be ignored and the horse should never be burdened with physical activity in such cases. It is sad to see many a promising racing and equestrian careers being affected by stress in the weight bearing joints, or dysfunctional abilities in the regular movements of the animal.

It is usually horses above the age of 15 which are especially prone to arthritis since the cartilage begins to wear out very quickly after that age. Some older horses are also affected by loosened tendons and ligaments resulting in inflammation, joint instability tremendous pain.

One should never ignore the seriousness of the disease in horses lest it may cripple the animal from regular physical activity which is vital to horses. Horse arthritis is treatable and manageable once it is detected early enough. Some common symptoms may be stiffness seen after sleep or standing for a long time, swellings on certain joints, an obvious tendency to limp after exercises or prolonged walking. At times one might notice changes in the horse's performance or general differences in the animal's behavior.

Even while administering medicines to the horses, many owners have tried to experiment with alternative processes like magnotherapy, where products related to this method of treatment are worn by the horse to help in relieving pain.